Praise YOU

Posted by on Apr 29, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

I have been humming and ha-ing over whether to do an article in the run up. This has been the trial season of the website and this blog, and in parallel with Leeds United really, it’s been ok. In fact, in reality, it’s been pretty darned good. So in the words of that other Housemartin…..

“We’ve come a long long way together, through the hard times and the good.

I have to celebrate you Baby.

I have to praise you like I should”

This will be the quickest blog I have done, as I am setting off for the last home game of the league imminently, but I feel that I need to just quickly  reiterate what I have said most of the season. I never expected us to do as well as we have. The players that Garry with two Rs has brought in have been some of the best we have seen for a while. Who had even heard of (Captain) Kyle Bartley, Luke Ayling, Pontus Jansson last season? But now they, along with the outstanding Beradi, have well and truly stamped their authority on the Old Division 2.  In Chris Wood we have the highest scoring goal scorer in the league, I hope he gets 30 this season, two games to do it in. Phillips had a brilliant partnership with O Kane at the start of this season. Vieira and Bridcutt, as well as Roofe, Sacko, The Duke and Hernandez have made their marks, along with the new boy Pedraza. Monk and his team have managed to get a fantastic team spirit going. The only sore point was Sutton..

Up until 6 games ago, it was looking good. I am disappointed that we dropped our form, but there is still hope, especially if we go for all out attack from the start. It isn’t insurmountable, but it is out of our hands realistically, but there is still hope if the results go for us.

2016-17 has passed so quickly, it has been a long ride, quarter finals in the FA Cup for the 1st time in ages and some memorable games, like the hardest ever fought 1-0 slaughter of Derby at home, the penalty shoot out against Norwich in League Cup, last minute winner at Norwich from the Magic Hat.

We have well and truly flicked the V’s up at The EFL, The FA and Sky and every other club, pundit, newspaper hack and keyboard warrior who doubted us at the start of the season. They who condemned us to relegation before the season had even started after we lost to QPR.

It isn’t over til it’s over


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January 1995 minutes

Posted by on Apr 23, 2017 in Chairman Charley | 0 comments

The Chairman has asked me to specifically refer to these minutes and draw attention to the “Any Other Business” section, as this was the first official reference to the decision to change the branch name from Knaresborough to Harrogate. At least I think that is what he said, or it could be the “Adjourn to Jimmys for more alcohol” bit?

Anyway, they warrant a page to themselves instead of being tagged onto the end of one.

jan 95 minutes

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More from the depths of The Chairman’s Drawers…

Posted by on Apr 23, 2017 in Chairman Charley | 0 comments

Apologies for the delay. The Chairman had passed these on at the Newcastle game but alas the carnage that ensued from that game resulted in the MPO needing to take some time away. The Chairman has also asked that his endorsement of Leicester Forest East KFC be mentionned, in fact he wholehearted would like to pledge his support for KFC as the means of satisfying the hunger of any Leeds United fan on the way back from an away game. I am not entirely sure if we need to put this to a vote at the AGM before I advertise this any further, given it is only The Chairman who expresses this at this moment in time. The Chairman is also keen to share “memory match” info, so The MPO will endeavour to do this next season, as The Chairman seems keen to continue with this section.

So, here are more memories from years gone by, which in his own words, The Chairman found at the bottom of his drawers.

Knaresboro May 89 1 Knaresboro May 89 2 Knaresboro May 89 3From another year…bit of topical European interest..

march 92 1 March 92 2

and finally, something that The Chairman thought was very interesting

Jan 95 minutes

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Here We Go…….

Posted by on Apr 13, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

So we have 5 more games left, and we are still in with a chance of going up either in the play offs or a very slim chance at automatic promotion. There is no way any Leeds fan could ever have dreamt that we could be in this position in August 2016, but let’s all just take a deep breath, and here we go…

After two losses on the trot at Reading and Brentford, most fans could be forgiven for fearing the worse. After all, history tells us that the Leeds United team tends to falter after an international break. Normally players get injured or concentration lapses, and any pre break momentum hits the proverbial brick wall.

For those individuals who slated those wishing to express their concerns, please note, in this country we still have freedom of speech (within the remits of political correctness of course). Everyone has the right to say what they want without discourse. As long as it is within reason and they don’t take to death threats, name calling, social media abuse etc. and political correctness of course. I have seen some of the comments and can I please just ask people to just have a think before they start tippy tappying on their phones? Some stuff I have read is appalling, and the worse thing is for some bizarre reason, after these keyboard warriors have slagged off fellow Leeds fans, they then sign off “All Leeds Aren’t We” or “Marching On Together”. Oxymoron anyone?

Before anyone starts with the pot, kettle, black, I admit I had a bit of a pop after Sutton, but that was an exception, and it took an awful lot for me to do that. It also wasn’t personal, it was aimed at the group of people who think that they are better than anyone else, and those people know who they are. Plus, come on! Sutton! For crying out loud!

So back to the football. After Reading and Brentford, Garry made the changes that were needed on Saturday for the return of prodigal son, Simon Grayson. The midfield has been crying out for a bit more of a holding midfielder, and Kalvin Phillips duly stepped up. Ayling was back on form after his untimely absence (timely for Mrs and Baby Ayling though), and after hanging fire on the substitutions against Reading and Brentford, bringing on Dallas and The Duke gave Roofe and Wood a well deserved break. Wood had just got booked, and frankly Roofe played his (rolled down) socks off, in his first start for the team for a while. With Newcastle dropping points as well, it just goes to show that anyone can win a game in this league. It will be funny if we end up getting promotion and Newcastle fall at the last fence.

For those who have been backing 2-0 and 2-1 at home most of the season, the signs were all there when Wood hit the bar and Captain Kyle’s header was cleared off the line. After Roofe and Pablo’s two efforts, which both incidentally felt like they took an eon to cross the line, Fate was finally sealed by The Duke, putting everyone out of their misery. Even my postman backs 2-1 at home! I am just sorry that Wood didn’t bag one of them, I hope he gets his 30 goals this season, he completely deserves it.

Speaking of which, after years of not knowing who to pick for Player Of The Year, basically because no one has actually deserved it for the last few seasons, there is a raft of candidates. Wood, obviously, fans favourite Jansson, and the outstanding Beradi and Ayling. Green has put in a good shift as well, so it is going to be difficult to pick one player, and even harder for the fans across the board to agree on it. I have said this before, and will say it again, what a brilliant position to be in, as a Leeds United fan!

After the game on Saturday, the whole team came out and applauded the 30,000 strong crowd in what can only be described as a mini lap of honour. Every single player looked like they were playing for the shirt and more importantly, playing for the fans. yes, it was brilliant that we won, and had won 3-0, but it was a fabulous feeling to see fans crowd at the front of each stand, applauding the players and the players reciprocating.

There is real camaraderie in that team, even if there are a few little niggly differences in opinion. The fact is that on the pitch they are playing as one.  After decades, we may finally be Leeds United.


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April update and Easter Reflections

Posted by on Apr 10, 2017 in News and Events | 0 comments

Apologies for the delay for the April update. There have been a couple of busy aways to sort out and of course Easter is always a busy time. So there will be the usual updates and then the blog will continue as per the norm.

Just a quick note though, yesterday was Palm Sunday, celebrating the day Jesus arrived in Jerusalem. Called Palm Sunday as the people of Jerusalem lined the streets, waving Palm branches. Maundy Thursday is of course, the day of Last Supper and then obviously Good Friday is a very solemn day of Easter reflection. The branch will be of course be en route to Newcastle, so we shall be ensuring that the day is duly recognised by all the branch members, thus in keeping with the spirit of the Easter message, in true Harrogate Whites fashion.

Monthly Branch meeting

The meeting was held on Sunday April 2nd at the Londesborough Club. A quick mention for Middy, nice to see him again, in the company of Dave ( the gardeners ear) Jewitt who supplied us with an interesting update on one of our former players and some juicy goss about Peter Beagrie.

The EFL meeting that the LUSC exec went to, was as stated on our facebook page just a propaganda exercise for Sky. Apparently there were 85 new rules / modifications of the rules this new season for the referees to take in. I wonder how many of them were instructions on what to do if Leeds United have the upper hand in the game? That was the interesting part, the rest of it was just how brilliant Sky are and how they have to give at least 5 weeks notice if they want to change a fixture for the benefit of their viewing figures. Hahahahaha

Two new branches have been accepted into the LUSC fold, the Lincolnshire Whites and the reformed Pontefract Branch. There is also a proposed new Parliamentary LUSC Branch led by John Mann MP Bassettlaw. We believe this is the first LUSC, or any football supporters club of it’s kind in Westminster. So there is hope for the Houses Of Parliament yet!

Lastly, we have had a message from Terry Rankine’s widow. She has thanked the branch for the tribute to Terry and said the flowers were so beautiful that she took them home.

Away Games

Newcastle bus was full up til last night. There are now two places available. There are still places available on the Burton bus for anyone lucky enough to have their own tickets.


Memberships have closed for the year. Memberships are up from last year.


The Media and Publicity Officer is doing as much as possible to keep up with the website and the facebook page as often as possible. We will also try to keep putting articles up for the Leeds United programme. Any contributions are welcome.

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