March 2018 monthly branch meeting updates for those who don’t have an e mail address.
Monthly branch meeting
A minutes silence was held before the start of the meeting for long standing member Derek Yates. We all have very fond memories of Derek and his humour and his warm smile will be sadly missed by the branch. Despite the severe weather that day there was a good turn out for his service. Derek always said he would be late for his funeral and surely enough he was. The heavy snow meant the hearse got stuck on the hill and when the car took the family down to Crimple Hall, the car got stuck in the snow on the way out of the car park as well.
The Secretary confirmed that £100 from branch funds had been donated to the Eric Carlile Memorial Fund. The branch has some money in the kitty. This money can be used to help with branch events like the LUSC Annual Quiz, The Annual Dinner and any other events. Dave Poole brought up an idea for an end of season barbecue, details below.
Away Games
Currently taking bookings for Preston and Villa. Given that these games are now midweek thanks to SkyTVisf**kings**talloneword, this means that many branch members will either not be able to attend or not travel on the bus. The branch will still be running buses to these fixtures. Preston is generally a large allocation, Villa is not and hopefully will be on the loyalty tracker. Please book on via the usual channels if you have not done so already. Andy Yates is sorting a minibus to Fulham for people not going on the train, I think the trip is full.
The Membership Secretary was MIA as per usual, but has been spotted in Harrogate this week and last.
Branch Barbeque on the afternoon of Saturday May 12th at the Londesborough Club. Branch members all welcome to celebrate the end of the season with a stiff drink or two.
LUSC Annual Quiz is Thursday April 19th 7.00 for prompt 8.00pm start. Pie and peas supper. The branch will pay for the entrance fee and also drinks. The branch will also look to arranging transport for anyone coming over from Harrogate and taxis contributions for those coming from other parts of the district. We had three teams last year and although we didn’t win any trophies, it was a good evening out and we did well considering how hard the questions were. May need to brush up on those squad numbers before the day before the quiz though.