Monthly Branch Meeting

There was a good attendance again, thank you for coming. The Secretary and The MPO arrived eventually after being stood outside for nearly 10 minutes while messaging everyone to let us in. There was a discussion around away tickets, ticket allocations and ordering tickets in general. We always said it will be difficult this season to try sort out away tickets. The branch will continue to work hard to ensure our members are able to get to as many away games as possible. The Chairman has expressed his difficulties in reading the electronic scoreboard at Elland Road from his seat in the North East Corner. After much discussion, the MPO has decided to send an e mail to Leeds United on his behalf asking for a different font and colour scheme for the half time results and substitution announcements.

Away Games

Bookings currently being taken for Cardiff and Burnley. Sheffield Weds bookings will also be taken. There has been no information from Leeds United as yet regarding ticketing arrangements for Cardiff, Burnley or Sheff Weds. We hope that the away games tracker based on last seasons games is used for these games.


The Membership Secretary has suffered a non drinking related injury, therefore was MIA, but with a valid reason this month. Memberships continue to rise. Once we have had a chat with the Membership Secretary, we will decide what date to close memberships for the season.


The MPO hasn’t been able to get the preseason update on the website as yet. I will do so as soon as possible. The Secretary would like to thank Andy Yates and Dave Poole for coming to the LUSC exec meetings fortnightly on a Thursday. Thanks to James Garner and Ricky Greenwood as well this Thursday. It is good that branch members are taking more of an interest in the LUSC.