Here is a brief May 2019 update to replace the one that disappeared.
Monthly Branch Meeting
There are no further monthly branch meetings planned for this season. The next meeting will be the AGM on Sunday July 7th. 7.30 pm for an 8.00pm start please.
Annual Branch BBQ
Currently on hold until we know what is going on. I am sincerely hoping that it will be cancelled because we will be playing at Wemberley on that day.
The Membership Secretary remains incognito at present but we will be fully expecting him to emerge like a butterfly from his chrysalis for the AGM. Renewal forms will be formulated and then sent out sometime in June. Please return with a stamped addressed envelope (that actually sticks otherwise we will charge extra for the sellotape) for the return of your LUSC membership card and your LUSC Centenary wallet. Renewals will be accepted at the AGM, cold hard cash/cheques/postal orders but not blood this year. Please note, even though you have been a branch member for the last 20 years, you STILL have to fill in and sign the renewal form which ensures your details are current!
Away Games
Currently taking bookings for Derby. We will deal with the final when we come to it. If you are NOT a paid up member, you will NOT get a seat on the bus.
We are sponsoring (top goal scorer u23s) Ryan Edmondson for the rest of the season. Should we be allowed to sponsor him next season, we will need to raise a lot of money. The branch is a non profit organisation, and we have always kept the travel down to a minimum, but we will need to raise funds to achieve this. Anyone with any ideas, please contact us. The Centenary merchandise will be with us shortly. Thanks to Makaela for volunteering her assistance. I’m not asking for anyone to go out and sell blood, eggs, sperm (or any other bodily fluids), organs, their bodies (!) etc. but any workable ideas will be greatly appreciated. We do have signed shirts and other donated goods to raffle off, anything else is most welcome.
Thorp Arch
Congrats to Makaela and Jack and Brent Ward who won the raffle to attend the Thorp Arch event with The Deputy. A good day was had by all even though Ryan wasn’t there because he was at Selhurst Park playing in the u23s. Hopefully Leeds United will let us have another shot at meeting him to give us our certificate of sponsorship. The photos from the day will hopefully be added to the Gallery section soon.
It currently costs the branch £20+ for the annual fee and £8+ monthly for the website. It also takes a lot of hard work to run it as well. According to GoogleAnalytics, people are regularly looking at it, so it is probably worthwhile keeping it running, even if it does piss some people off. If anyone wishes to contribute to it, any help is very welcome.
The main LUSC AGM will be held on the afternoon of Sunday July 7th. It will be 11.30am for 12 noon start please, Eddie Gray Suite, East Stand (tbc). If anyone wishes to attend, please bring along your LUSC membership card. Hopefully Josh will be there again this year with his new belt.
Finally, thanks to Lesley Hope and Jane Taylor for this – HarrogateWhites’s very own Bielsa…. Happy Birthday Steve Mawtus