I would like to say Happy New Year, but after this last year, let’s just see how this one gets on before comment is passed. Apologies for the late post for January 2021, the February update will be contemperanious – honest.
As usual it is a busy time of year, so the monthly update is short and sweet.
Monthly Branch Meeting
These are being held as usual on the first Sunday of the month at 8pm. Due to these unprecedented times, they are being held via zoom, but only until we are allowed back. Once we can get back in to the Londesborough, we will be doing so at the earliest opportunity. I have had enough of this now.
On a serious note, the zoom calls are really important. We are trying to keep up with everyone as much as we can within the limits of phone and email. It’s a really crap time at the moment, and we need to try to make sure our friends and our extended Leeds United family are ok and, if anyone needs help , either emotional or physical, we as a branch must pull together to provide any support we can. If there is anyone reading this, who needs any support, please get in touch with us, all the usual channels are open. We will do what we can. I know zoom isn’t for everybody, if you want to just dial in for 5 minutes to say hello please do. We all miss seeing each other and just talking football. There is no harm dialling in just to talk about the game. The zooms are not formal, they are there just to make do whilst we can’t get to any games.
Next meeting is Sunday 7th February 2021, 8pm. The link will be emailed out
Bruce Reid
Congrats to Bruce once again for his sterling effort at Christmas. The plan before lockdown was thrown at us again, was to hold a Christmas day party at Knaresborough Cricket Club. The branch as usual donated goodies in the form of food, drink and chocolates etc. Due to lockdown however, the dinners were parcelled up and delivered. There will hopefully be something in the Leeds United programme about this on the LUSC page. Well done, mate.
Tickets for the raffle are currently being sold to branch members only. Because the prizes are excellent, it is restricted to current branch members and the Ripon branch. Once this week is out of the way, The Secretary will have time to put more hours into this. Fundraising and Social Secretary , Andy Yates has been putting his fair share of the work in as well. Tickets are selling well. Further info is available on the facebook site and usual channels.
Stan Bowles
Dave Rowson has put in some sterling work into promoting Stan 2020-21. Please support Stan if you can. Any donation to the Alzheimers Research UK will be more than welcome. Unfortunately, this horrible disease is affecting more and more people, more research is needed. The branch is fully behind this brilliant cause, and thanks to Dave for highlighting this important issue. More news will be available as it arrives. Please keep up to date with Dave on his facebook page in the meantime.