After another successful rummage through his drawers, The Chairman has found some delights from his fabled adventures in Bamburgh in 1982.

For anyone who hasn’t heard the tale, The Chairman went to Bamburgh and learnt to windsurf in a week, whilst he was in between jobs. I have asked The Chairman for the photo evidence of him on said windsurf board, which hopefully he will be supplying in the near future. In the meantime he has supplied us with the two photos below, sporting the very fashionable v neck sweaters, which were all the rage at the time.

The first is of himself and the windsurf instructor, a Mr Peter Hinson. The Chairman tells me that Mr Hinson was a Bamburg White in those days.

The second is a picture of Marjorie Ann, who was from Craster. The Chairman tells me that the photo was taken in the Lorde Crewe Arms in Bamburgh.

As with all the information that The Chairman supplies me with, I do not know if these details are completely correct, they are correct according to The Chairman.