March 2019 has come way too quickly. The last 8 months have gone by in a flash and now we have arrived at the business end of the season. My prediction of being promoted by February did not prevail but no one could have predicted that we would beset by so many injuries to so many of our players. Still, here we are, 2nd in the league and our fate is all in our own hands.
Monthly branch meeting
Thanks to all for the good turn out last Sunday. The LUSC exec minutes were read out and reported on. The Away Ticket Charter was discussed briefly, and to quote Abba – neither you nor I’m to blame, when all is said and done. Other items discussed will be detailed in AOB.
The Membership Secretary has been sighted, so all is well. The Chairman mentioned that March was the time to vote him back in, however, it has been recognised that the time for a formal vote has passed, and the role of The Membership Secretary is for life, not Christmas. Plus at least he can say, hand on heart, that he has always been the Membership Secretary and not just coming back now that we are doing well.
Away Travel
A massive loss was made at QPR – no more needs to be said about that. We are still awaiting details re Birmingham and Preston ticket allocations and sale dates. With any luck the rest of the games will be done on the tracker. Ipswich Town plans are afoot re departure times seeing as it is an early kick off, further announcements TBC.
LUSC Annual Quiz will be taking place on Thursday April 4th in the Eddie Gray Suite at ER. Our branch has enough for 4 teams this year and Ripon will also be joining in the fun. The branch will be paying the £10 entry fee per team. Teams will need a name, so please start thinking of an appropriate name for your team and get revising!
Teams are Team 1: Deputy Yates, Ricky Greenwood, James Proctor, Callum Brook, Team 2: Karen Webb, John Webb, Sean Hunter, Dave Rowson, Team 3: The Chairman, The Secretary, The MPO and Dave Poole, Team 4: The Littlefair Bros, Smuff and a.n.other, Ripon: Morro, Jordan and Mark and Bev. Mick and Geoff hopefully will be coming along, so if anyone else fancies coming through, please let us know and we could get another Harrogate team.
Centenary Merchandise: The branch will order Centenary Membership Card wallets (one free for every member next season but options to purchase more at 50p per wallet), LUSC wristbands, canvas shopping bags, car stickers and pint / half pint glasses. If anyone can think of anything else, please feel free to get in touch, usual channels.
Annual Harrogate & District BBQ: Following the howling success of last years, we will be having one this year sometime in May. The Secretary will get in touch with the Londesborough re booking upstairs again. We would like anyone who can volunteer to help out to form a BBQ committee by next branch meeting. The branch will charge a nominal entry fee of £1 members, extra non members.
Raffle prize for two tickets in hospitality for the Millwall game are still on sale for £1. The draw will take place at the LUSC exec meeting on the Thursday 14th March. We will be selling ticket on Tuesday on the way to Reading. This will be your last chance.