Monthly Branch Meeting
Meeting was held on February 4th 2018 at the Londesborough Club. There was much discussion regarding Eric Carlile, which will be covered in AOB. There was also discussion regarding the (failed) launch of the new badge and badgers. There was no discussion regarding the new manager, as it wasn’t until after the meeting that Thomas Christiansen was sacked. We would like to point out that his sacking was nothing to do with us.
Away Games
The bus for T’Blades is currently full with a waiting list. We are still taking bookings for Derby on Weds 20th for anyone wanting a nice afternoon out. The branch will be running a bus to the Boro game on the Friday, ticket details have yet to be released by Leeds United.
The Membership Secretary was last seen out at the funeral of Guy Bernard.
The Eric Carlile Memorial Fund
The LUSC have agreed to start the Eric Carlile Memorial Fund. There was much discussion regarding how this fund should be used, whether it be on a trophy to be awarded at the LUSC Annual Dinner or some other award. The branch have suggested a memorial plaque at Elland Road, but this needs to be agreed at the LUSC exec meeting and there needs to be discussion with Leeds United to see if this is possible in the first instance. The branch has agreed to donate £100 of branch funds towards this and any other personal contributions will be most welcome.
R2 Football Special Buses
Dave Poole reported that the shuttle bus service after the home games has improved immensely. Dave first raised this issue two home games ago when the queue in the compound to get back into Leeds post match was horrendous. Glen had also previously raised this issue as well. This was taken to the LUSC exec meeting in January and a reply was received from Fiona Hanley (Supporters Liaison Officer) in the form of an email from First Buses saying that they (First Buses) thought the service was fine and would only change it if the police advised them or if we got promoted. The MPO sent Fiona an email and also raised it as an issue for the next Supporters Advisory Board (SAB) meeting, which was due to be held at the Cardiff game. The SAB meeting did not happen, due to badges/badgers/ however, it seems that the message did get through and since then the R2 Football special bus service has improved. The MPO would like to point out that Dave Poole has now had his TV fixed in the North East Corner and his bus service sorted, so given the 3 times a charm rule, his next request should be automatic promotion and a Champions League place.