Monthly branch meeting

Meeting was held earlier this month. Issues discussed included Sponsorship events, LUSC Annual Quiz. Chairman Charley Megginson thanked the branch for all the messages of sympathy on the passing of his mother, Pat. Decision taken to have the last branch meeting of the season on Sunday May 1st. The decision regarding the date of the branch AGM will be taken at this meeting.

LUSC Annual Quiz

This will be held on Thursday 5th May 8pm at Billys Bar, Elland Road. The branch has so far entered 2 teams, but we are looking to increase numbers to support the LUSC. If anyone else wishes to attend, please contact The Secretary as soon as possible. The branch will fund transport from Harrogate to this event if there is sufficient demand. The Secretary has urged Chairman Charley to attend as the branch has won the competition before when he was an integral part of the team. If anyone wishes to further encourage the Chairman, please can I ask you to do so as soon as possible?

Players Sponsorship Events

The Thorp Arch training day event has been won by Jack Pedel. He will be attending Thorp Arch on Thursday 28th April with his mother, Makaela, to meet the players and hopefully give them a few tips! Jack has so far never seen us lose away this season. We probably need to make sure he travels more often.

Raffle tickets for the Hospitality for the last game of the season on Saturday are still available from The Secretary for £1. However, the draw will be taking place THIS Thursday 28th April at the LUSC exec meeting, therefore if you want to have a chance at winning this prize, you need to contact us before the draw takes place.

The last draw is a free draw and all LUSC members have been automatically entered in. This is a lunch date with the players. The lucky recipient gets to sit with our sponsored player at the event. The winner will be drawn on Thursday 28th April at the LUSC exec meeting.

If any member wishes to attend the fortnightly LUSC exec meetings along with the Secretary and Media & Publicity Officer, you are more than welcome. The meetings are held in The Legends Lounge, which is above Billys Bar in the South Stand at Elland Road. Please contact us for a list of dates.

Sad news

As many of you are aware, Tommo Paul Thompson is sadly not with us anymore. There will be further posts when the information is available, and possibly a tribute page at a later date.

The service is at 12.20pm, on Friday 6th May 2016 at Stonefall Crematorium. Chrissie has asked that attendees dress in the signature sartorial style that was favoured by Tommo as a mark of respect. She has suggested cool shirts, linen jackets, LUFC attire and Willy Rushton hats. I have assumed that beards will be optional.